Association Executive Directors Community

Update on CCBHC Impact Survey completions in your state

  • 1.  Update on CCBHC Impact Survey completions in your state

    Posted 03-01-2024 18:42
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    Dear Association Execs,


    It was good to see many of you today at the monthly association call. Thank you again to those of you that have kindly nudged your CCBHC members to complete our 2024 CCBHC Impact Survey – we've made tremendous progress toward our target response rate thanks to your efforts!


    There's still one more week for folks to complete the survey and we're hoping to boost those numbers a little higher. I'm sharing a spreadsheet that shows your state's current response rate (tab 1) and the CCBHCs that have not yet replied to the survey (tab 2).


    If there's any additional outreach you'd like to do with your members, we'd be grateful! (As a reminder, each organization has their own unique survey link.)


    We'll send around another state-by-state update towards the end of the week. Thank you for all of your help with this effort – I'm really looking forward to seeing the results and sharing them with you!




    Rebecca Farley David
    Senior Advisor, Public Policy & Special Initiatives
    Policy Department
    National Council for Mental Wellbeing
    1400 K Street NW Suite 810, Washington, DC 20005
    Direct: (202) 684-3735
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