Dear Association Executives - We are reaching out to update you that SAMHSA has issued its final rule to permanently allow Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) to prescribe buprenorphine through telehealth without an in-person visit, if the provider determines adequate evaluation can be done through an audio-visual telehalth platform. National Council submitted comment on this proposal last year and below are highlights in the rule as finalized.
- As proposed, the final rule expands the definition of "qualifying practitioner" who are able to order and prescribe medications to include the definition of a practitioner as "a health care professional who is appropriately licensed by a State to prescribe and/or dispense medications for opioid use disorders and, as a result, is authorized to practice within an OTP".
- The final rule allows more flexibility to offer clients take-home doses of methadone, up to seven days for people who have been in treatment for at least two weeks and up to 14 doses for people who have been in treatment for at least 15 days.
SAMHSA also recognized the many pathways to expanding treatment and finalized its proposal facilitate delivery of comprehensive services in mobile units.
- The final rule also removes the requirement for people to have had an addiction to opioids for at least one year prior to admission to an OTP for MOUD.
- Finally, SAMHSA recognized the role that language plays in perpetuating stigma and made updates accordingly and is committed to taking steps to use person-centered and inclusive language.
The effective date of this final rule is April 2, 2024, and the compliance date is April 2, 2026. Please note that this final rule does not apply more broadly to prescribing outside of OTPs and we expect DEA to issue final regulation relating to virtual prescribing for controlled substances later this year.
We will send this information out in our Capitol Connector newsletter tomorrow but we wanted you to have it first.
Please let me or Katherine Seibel, Manager, Federal and Regulatory Activities ( know if you have questions or if any additional information would be helpful.
Thank you –
Reyna Taylor
Senior Vice President, Public Policy and Advocacy
Direct – 202-774-1651
Neal Comstock
Director of Membership
National Council
NealC@TheNationalCouncil.org202 748-8793