Association Executive Directors Community

HHS Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program

  • 1.  HHS Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program

    National Council Staff
    Posted 05-06-2020 11:14
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    Dear Association Executives – Attached and at the link below, please find information on the Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program. This announcement will be sent to all states very soon and it is the state Mental Health Agency that has to apply for this. You may want to urge your state's mental health authority to apply. 

    The CCP is now available to all states with any kind of an emergency declaration. 


    Chuck Ingoglia
    President & CEO
    National Council for Behavioral Health
    Direct: (202) 684-3749

    Neal Comstock
    Director of Membership
    National Council
    202 748-8793