Association Executive Directors Community

  • 1.  PPE offers

    Posted 04-27-2020 09:59
    Hi, all.

    I have a question about being approached by people/groups with PPE for distribution.

    We have referred such offers to the state, with predictable results.  Our concern has been about liability - that we have no ability to vet the offers so if we're in the chain of ownership/handling/referrals we could be passing along rip-offs or unsafe PPE.  

    Has anyone else has this concern?  Either way, how have you dealt with it?


    Gian-Carl Casa
    President and CEO
    Connecticut Community Nonprofit Alliance, Inc.
    Hartford CT
    (860)525-5080 1022

  • 2.  RE: PPE offers

    Posted 04-28-2020 09:05
    ​I have had the same concern.  With all the potential fraudulent activities out there, and here I am sending out PPE opportunities that I also have had no time to vet.  My approach is not genius, but I'll share.  I have turned down several and only advanced opportunities that seem as "reliable" as possible from sources I know (even if one off).  Then in every meeting and correspondence about this issue I put out as many disclaimers as possible- noting that these are being offered only as a service, and that proper vetting must be done by each agency.  For example, later this morning I have an "all member webcast"- it is again on the agenda where I will give that same warning.

    So far so good, but I worry.  I appreciate you raising.  Just yesterday I received another call with virtually unlimited opportunities for members. From a friend if a friend of a colleague. I am doing some basic checking, then deciding if it even passes the first hurdle to begin sharing.

    Richard Edley
    Rehabilitation and Community Providers Association
    Harrisburg PA