Dear Association Executives -We want to share with you that Clinics across the nation are now eligible to apply for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Expansion Grants, under a funding opportunity announcement released this week by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
The National Council has long advocated for increased funding for the grant program. We've also have been a forceful advocate for expansion of CCBHCs to all 50 states. Not only does the $200 million SAMHSA will make available this year represent a $50 million increase from 2019, the funding is now available to clinics nationwide – an important step toward expanding the CCBHC model across the country.
The CCBHC program supports clinics in expanding access to a comprehensive array of mental health and addiction services in community-based settings, while improving their ability to coordinate care with other health system partners and collect and report on quality metrics.
Clinics applying for Expansion Grants are eligible for two-year grants of up to $2 million per year. Organizations in all 50 states may apply for grants, though priority will be given to clinics in the 24 states that received CCBHC planning grants in 2016.
The National Council will host an informational call to provide more details about CCBHC status, training opportunities and lessons learned from prior cohorts. More details and registration information to come.
SAMHSA has established a March 10 deadline for grant applications. Read the official SAMHSA announcement for more information on the program requirements.
Our website includes more information on CCBHCs, which remain among the National Council's highest priorities.
See also our blog for more details.
Neal Comstock
Director of Membership
National Council
NealC@TheNationalCouncil.org202 748-8793